Saturday, August 31, 2013

eaton mess

Since we did not give Zoe a cake mummy made eaton mess and it had blueberries, meringue, yellow stuff and some strawberry sauce.
We all sang happy birthday because we did not do that either in.
For Zoe's birthday present she got a black bag and a box where she can keep her jewelry and some other stuff.
She is taking her new bag to school this year. 
She was in the middle of building Grant the race car.

killiney park

We went to Killiney hill park and played on the slides, swings, a spinning wheel and a circle seat attached to a rope and then you push yourself of  a big lump.
Grant needed some help going on the slide so Zoe and I had to help him.
Grant also needed help on the swing and the spinning wheel so I had to help with that as well.
Zoe and I went on to big black bridge were you have to bounce on it.
Grant got did not like it so he wanted to get of.
It was really fun.
Grant started complaining that it was scary when we went on the slide.
I had to help him.
When he tried going the easy way his foot got stuck so he did not want to go that way.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


We went to get our passports.
We had to wait for a long time so Zoe started playing on the green ipad and we all wanted to play it so we  asked to her to set the timer.
Our number was A101.
We had to go through security.
When we were waiting in the room we could not play the ipad because they took it.


We went to Dun drum to watch the movie planes and get the news paper.
We had to eat a sandwich and then we got to eat a lollipop or Grant got to eat his gummies.
The main character is Dusty the crophopper.
Dusty wants to be a racer and he is scared of heights.
Dusty wins against Ripslinger a really good racer.
Dusty gets in the finals and wins against Ripslinger.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

perfume making

I got a  birthday gift called perfumery.
It comes with pipets, tiny bottles and bottles filled with different types of smells.
Those smells are apple, heliotrope, peppermint, lily and jasmine.
They show how Cleo patera and a Napoleon made there perfume.
Zoe started reading the instructions out loud to me.
We needed news paper so if we spill the liquid it will go on the news paper instead of the table.
We went to Dun Drum to get the news  paper.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

barcelona trip 4

We went to the big food place again and got fish and potato for daddy.
I ate some of his fish then rice with corn and rice with red beans.
Then we went to get hot chocolate.
Mummy, Zoe and I all got hot chocolate.
It was hot but really yummy.
I finished it last as usual.
They also had Internet so when I finished I started to play the green ipad because it has a game that I really like.

barcelona trip 3

We went to the Zoo and It said that humans came from Gorillas.
Grant wanted to go see the dolphins and the elephants but we could not.
Went to the chocolate factory.
We went to eat lunch I had burger, egg and chips.
For dessert Zoe and I shared a eton mess.
Zoe didn't eat any of it but the cream.
I ate all the fruits and the meringue.

barcelona trip 2

We went to a walk up a big hill.
Grant and I got a bit scared of going down the wonky stairs.
Then we went to a big food place.
I got a twister ice-cream.
We went to eat lunch and I got a sandwich.
I also got humus and pita bread.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

barcelona trip 1

We went to see a church that was not finish yet.
It was realy big.
We went to get slushees Grant got strawberry, Zoe got lemon and I got coffee.
We had a race who was going to finsh first.
Zoe finished first then Grant ket telling daddy to finish for him so of course I came last.
Then we ate dinner.
for dinner I got paella and some other breads with stuff on top.