Sunday, September 29, 2013

mochi coconut sticky cake

We ate mochi coconut sticky cake for break fast.
The edges were really yummy (next time I want a corner.)
In the inside there was mochi and it was sticky and chewy because it is rice.
On the top there was coconut.
I love coconut.
Some parts of the coconut was burnt but it was okay.

homemade bread roll pizza

We ate mummy's homemade bread roll, cut in half .
There was red cheddar and white cheddar.
The red cheddar started to melt but the white cheddar did not.
We only had one small leaf of basil and some tomato sauce.
We had two pieces of pizza.
They were delicious.

sticky yummy chocolate muffins

We got to eat chocolate muffins for breakfast.
I had two muffins.
They were burnt but delicious.
I had to eat it from the inside and then eat the outside part.
We had to wash hands after we finished because they were greasy.
The top part was sticking out of the.
They had two wrappers on each muffin.
The first one was easy to take off and the second one was really hard to take off.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

new swimsuit

We got new swimming suits.
We used them for barracuda and early morning swim.
We go to early morning swim on Monday and Wednesday.
We got to barracuda on Friday and Saturday.
Mine is the blue one.
It is the one on the left.
Zoe's is the black one on the right.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

shoe polishing

We went outside to play.
 I took my hoola hoop and so did Zoe.
Grant took his baseball bat and base ball.
We then polished our shoes and mummy put on the spray.
Grant got board so he told Zoe and I to race.
I won but Zoe said she did so we kept on doing it.
Grant started complaining that his toys got wet so he ended up not playing with them.
Since Grant did not like the wet stuff he did not go on the grass a lot.
So he only did one race with me.

homemade bread

Mummy made mochy bread.
She let us eat it the first one (after breakfast) and it was freshly baked.
 We had to tare it in half and eat it because it was hot.
Even though they look hard they were actually soft on the inside and outside.
Zoe ate one as well.
They were so delicious.


Mummy bought some chockablock  chocolates from Tesco.
One of them had white chocolate with strawberries and white hard stuff.
The other one was a milk chocolate with mini marshmallows, chocolate hearts, small hard circle stuff and dark chocolate drizzled on top.
They were both delicious.
I like the one with mini marshmallows on top because they had mini marshmallows and dark chocolate on top.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I had waffles for breakfast.
Mummy toasted them.
I had two While I was waiting for them to be ready I watched mummy mix the batch (without the chocolate.)
Zoe ate two as well and she was already eating her waffles.
On the edges they were a bit black and crunchy.
They were delicious. 

chocolate chip cookies

We helped mummy make chocolate chip cookies.
She added raisons in it as well.
We ate them after breakfast they were warm and soft.
They were delicious.
We had to watch them when they were in the oven to make sure they were golden brown.
Mummy put butter eggs oat flour because it is healthier chocolate and raisons.
She mixed all different kinds of chocolate.
The one I ate had melted chocolate in the middle.
We had to let them cool down before we ate them.
I had one small one and one big one so far.
I had to go upstairs to give daddy three for breakfast and I told him we made them.
Grant had a tiny bit of Zoe's.
She also got two.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

swim lessons

I  had to go to barracuda after chess.
I had to leave chess a little bit early.
I am in group minor.
I started before Zoe.
There were three new swimming teachers who were teaching minor.
I had to do front crawl, back crawl, brestroke,  diving's, relay and dolphin. 
I had to wait in the car for a long time.
I ate a sandwich in the car for dinner.
I also had one apple high chew.


We ate soup with pasta, salmon and water crest for dinner.
There was also a tiny bit of carrots.
The pasta was swirly.
It was just water crest but mummy just added pasta, carrots and salmon.
The color of the soup was green, it was still delicious.

music lessons

I have piano lessons on Monday again the same as last year and it is after school.
I also have guitar on Monday at lunch time.
We all play the piano now so we have to share we also have to make sure that Grant is playing the right notes.
I am a grade two now on piano.
My songs are The Goblin dance and The Spanish Serenade.
On the guitar I just have to do the cords and Black Eye peace.
I am also playing the guitar in music period.
I have to practice two times a day.
One in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Mummy bought rice krispies with chocolate on the bottom and caramel to stick it together.
They were small and square.
I ate two.
There were twelve in total.
They were delicious.
On the outside it looked like there was a big thick lair of chocolate but once you bite it the chocolate there is only a little bit.
  They were kind of soft.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

making a card

I made a birthday card for Rachel.
On the front it said Happy Birthday Rachel and it had a picture of a cake.
On the cake it had stars, a nine, two daisy's, four tulips and Rachel in between the daisy's. 
In the inside I drew a big nine and a I made origami flowers.
It took me two days to finish it .
The flowers were a bit hard to make but the leaves were ok.
I had to color the leaves in Because I used the left over paper from the flowers. 

back to school

I am now in IIIP and my teacher is Mrs. Cheaghlley.
For homework we have reading aloud for ten minutes, mental math's and AWWW-Worksheet.
We have English, math, social studies, assembly, Gaeilge and I.C.T on Monday ( I also have guitar and piano.)
On Tuesday we have English, math, science, P.E /swim and R.E( I also have a hobby.)
On Wednesday I have assembly, English, math, French, library and social studies ( also have a hobby.)
On Thursday I have science, English, math, Gaeilge, and art ( also have voice.)
On Friday I have games, math, English, Assembly and Gaeilge( I also have a hobby.) 


My chores are,
Every day
Wash my own dishes.
Fold my pajamas neatly.
Fold my bed neatly.
Put away the close that are hanging and the ones outside the door (if they are mine.)
I have to polish my shoes.
I have to take out the water bottle
Take out the snack.
Sharpen my school pencils and coloring pencils if they need to be sharpened.
Wash the gum shield (no soap.) 
Pack guitar and piano stuff (after practiced.)
Get ready for Thursday.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Since I did not wake up early I had to run five laps around the garden.
It was really cold outside so I had to quickly go upstairs and put on my jumper.
Grant was watching me and Zoe was in the toys room.
I was so cold that after I was finished I put on my slippers.
It was raining only a tiny bit outside.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

egg soldier


For breakfast mummy made egg and soldiers.
On the toast there was butter.
The egg was squishy and yummy and the yolk was hard and yellow
 I finished all the bread so I needed to borrow Zoe's spoon.
It was delicious.
Zoe still finished before me.

jamm crumble tart

We helped mummy make jam crumble tart.
We added flour, coconut, butter, two eggs vanilla and sugar.
We watched mummy mix it together and then she put it in the oven.
After ten minutes we put blueberry jam and some of the left over before we put the two eggs and the vanilla.
We set the timer to fifteen minutes we also had to watch it to make sure the topping is golden brown.
After it came out Zoe and I started to eat a bit of the tart with cream and it was delicious.