Friday, August 22, 2014


We went to Manchester and we went to a place called aerial extreme and it was a bit scary but really fun.
I kept getting stuck at the zip line because my harness had to go through buckles and I had to lean forward trying not to fall.
For the first time I was stuck up there for a little bit.
 The second time I had to catch up with daddy and my little brother who got stuck on the first tiny easy bit.
For that zip line I was stuck up there for a long time.
On the third time we went on the hard course and I was stuck up there for a very very longtime.
When we finished we had to help daddy but my little brother was too scared to go on it again.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


For horse riding camp each group does either a demonstration or a warm-up and a show our group did a warm-up and a show.
I was riding a pony called try-time and the colour of try-time was try-colour.
He is probably my favourite pony but he not the cutest.
He is really fast and really good.
It is really fun but also a bit hard to remember what order to do the jumps in because you have to do the show individually.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


We stayed in a tent when we went to Kenmare we went to the cliff walk but we did not finish it because the path was all mucky.
It was soo fun I want to back there again.

kinsale trip 2

We went to camp there as well and it was called Oyster Haven.
I was in a group called the seals.
There were 7 girls in our group and 2 boys we also had two main instructors called Katy and Luke.

kinsale trip 1


When we went to kinsale we walked for like an hour well at least it felt like an hour. 
On the was I found a bit of wheat and I got to keep it.
 We also walked to 'Super Value'.
We also got a really nice flavoured drink.

We stayed in a apartment and it was really nice.

We also passed by a ice-cream shop on  the way back from the walk and I got honeycomb flavoured ice-cream with small bits of  honeycomb in it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

pony camp

We were going to pony camp at Carrick mines and  we were put into groups and I was put into group E with one of my friends.
First  while we were waiting for our turn to ride when we got to ride I rode Pepsi and the second time we got to ride I rode Roby.
When I was riding Roby I did a small canter.
It was really fun!!!
Can't wait to go back.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

summer party

We went to daddy's work summer party and I played hook a duck and I won a prize.
I chose a peridot charm and it is green.
We also played a  game where you have to knock down six cans that are stacked on top of each other and I knocked down all of them.

We got to eat candy floss and it took a while to heat up but when it was done we got to eat it and it was so yummy and it melts in your mouth.

I got face paint and I chose a butterfly.
They put glitter every where so all I could see was glitter.

In the middle of the party a ice-cream came and I got a single whippy.
They also had slushy's which we got later and a bucket of cotton candy which we got at the end.

We ate lunch and then we ate a cookie and we each got two except for mummy and daddy.
We also went on bouncy castles, bouncy castle obstacle courses and bouncy castle slides.
The cookies were so yummy!!!!!