Wednesday, July 31, 2013


We went to the train statsion to meet mummy's friend.
We went to a resturant and ate salad, pasta and desert.
Everyone had water, I also had ice coffee.
The pasta was menti cole pasta with cream and sea weed on top.
In the salad there was onions lettace cabage and dressing.
Then we went to get ice-cream, I had a vanilla Ice-cream.
After we went to the train we went to AEON to get some breakfast and dinner.
I got soup for dinner and for breakfast I got a peanut butter sandwich.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We went to game place at Rinku-Town and I got a jackpot in one of the games.
Since I won so many medals ther was on 11 left for the jackpot.
We went to eat lunch at a pizza place but the food was to much for me.
I had potato salad, pizza, chicken, corn, pasta, cucumber and a small milk flavor cake.
We went shopping and Grant got five more kuala strawberry crakers.
We also got Zoe's orange juice.
We also got me and Grant's apple juice.
Then we got breakfast for tomorrow.

Monday, July 29, 2013


We went to the park.
Zoe and I went on the swings and Grant wanted to go on so I showed him how to do it himself.
I went on the slide, I tried going on my knees but it was bumpy.
Then I tried going on my sandals and it worked so I went backwards and i keep on bumping into Grant.
We then tried going on a piece of wood and you have to hold on to metal bars.
  Every timeone side is heavy er than the other so I have to get on and get of get on and get of so one person won't get stuck on the top.
At the end we were sweaty so Baba wet her towel and dabbed it on our face.

star wars

We ate starwars pocky.
Grant and I had strawberry pocky and Zoe had grape.
The pocky was thicker than usual.
Grant did not like it, he asked me to eat it.
We fighted with them and then we ate them they were delicous.
there was three flavours in total strawberry grape and I think melon.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

farewell to maki

We went to the airport to say bye to Maki.
We had to help her find her friend.
We went down stairs to look for her but we could not.
Baba found Maki's friend in the back.
We said bye bye and then we went back home. 
Maki was going to Australia.


When Jiji, Zoe and I went for a walk I saw a lizard.
I tried to take a picture but it kept moving.
It hid behind rocks and plants but I only got one nearly full picture of the lizard.
Zoe said there might be snakes.
The lizard was long and shiny and it moves realy fast it had a green tail and a yellow body.

farmer's market

We went to a market and they loads of samples to eat and drink.
I took alot of pictures of the food.
There was vapurized water that we started playing in.
When we were waiting for mummy and Baba.
Grant started hyitting us so much he messed up my hair and my hair band fell of.


I ate burger, chips, lettace, rice, potato salad, chiken and sausage. 
Everyone got water.
They also have salads ice-cream and cottan candy.
I did not eat my jelly or finish my food because I ate too much food.
You could also get drinks from the middle table.
I had to give some of my chips to Grant.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

breakfast @ katsuragi-san

I ate a chocolate stick roll for breakfast.
It was really cold so I went inside and fell asleep.
Grant and Zoe played games together.
When I was going sleep Jiji came in and asked for the newspaper.
On the way home I fell asleep again. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

tajiri fish market

We went to the fish market and we looked at many different kinds of fish.
We saw some one cuting a fish and it was so cool.
We also saw moving shrimp, huge fish, squid and octopuses.
We sat down to get a rest, Jiji and Baba got ice coffee.
Grant started complaining so Baba had to go with Grant because he does not like the smell of sea animals. 


We went to cake place and we got pick a cake.
I wwanted a cake but it was a non baked cheese cake.
It took a long time for me to choose which cake I wanted.
Then I wanted a chocolate and custard cream cake.
The texture was soft.
It tasted like milk chocolate and cold custard cream.
I did not like custard before but now I do like it.
On the top it had a sprinkle of milk chcocolate and custard cream.
Underneath that it had a layer of chocolate cake then custard cream then another layer of cake.
After that a layer of custard cream the cake again.