Saturday, July 6, 2013

going to wakayama

We went to the train station to get tickets but for some reason the machine was not working so we asked some people who work there for help.
When we got the tickets we went trough the place where you put your tickets and you walk through、but since I did not have tickets so I went with Jiji.
When we got to Wakayama I saw wierd fruits and we got pizza, cheese bread, cinamin bread and other types of bread for Jiji, Baba and mummy.
Then we looked around a bit more and we ate lunch, Zoe and I shared the sea food pasta.
We brought the green ipad for Grant because he does not eat anything in resturants.
Jiji and I stayed at a resturant and got some water and ice coffee while Zoe and everyone else went shopping when they finished I got a dress, on the top it has strawberries and flowers and it is also blue.

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