Monday, October 28, 2013

pony camp

We went to pony camp and then we had to get the correct size boots and a hat.
When everyone was ready we started grooming two ponies one was tiny and white and his name was Sammy and the other on was medium sized and her name was Pinky.
When we were getting our ponies I got Pinky.
It was hard getting on the saddle.
First we learned how to walk and how to stop.
When we got used to it we learned how to turn and trot.
When you trot it was really fun because you have to go up and down.
Some of the ponies peed and some pood but Pinky did not.
It was really fun.


I watched mummy make paella with chicken, rice, broccoli, shrimp, cauliflower, muscles, peas, corn and squid.
The shrimp were tiny.
Then mummy added hot water.
I finished before Zoe.
It was so delicious.

croke park

We went to Croke park and went on a Halloween trick or treat hunt were we had to find clues and pumpkins.
  I helped Grant find a clue but he kept complaining that he did not find a pumpkin.
At the end we got little bags with glow in the dark pumpkin sticks, gummy's and a balloon.
We also bought a watch from the gift shop Zoe and Grant got a blue one and I got a white one which does not work.
Zoe payed for Grant's watch.




We made meringues.
 First we whisked four egg whites with sugar and red food coloring.
Then we got a spoon and scooped it up and put it on Greece proof paper.
After that we put them in the oven for thirty minutes, when they were done we let them cool in the oven with the door slightly open.
When they were cooled down we tried them and they were delicious so mummy got four and put two in each cup with berry sauce and cream.
They were so delicious and chewy.

shallot soup

I cut some shallots in small pieces (It was hard because my eyes started to sting and get watery), and then mummy sated them.
After that she added hot water.
I ate the soup for lunch.
Then I ate what ever I did not finish for dinner.
It was delicious.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

weekend lunch

We made soup out of shallots and butternut squash we ate it with bread that we dipped it into.
I cut some of the shallots and Zoe cut the others mummy cut the butternut squash.
I sautéd them together with butter and hot water.
We used the hot water to help the butternut squash to become soft.
Then mummy blended them together.
(I was not there to watch because I was practicing voice.)

halloween hosue



Zoe and I decorated a Halloween ginger bread house.
It came with black and orange icing, two sugar ghosts, pumpkins (they were gum) and these white, red, orange and yellow colored triangles that were soft and delicious.
We also added skeleton gummy's and orange/brown aero bubbles.
I ate the triangle ones, a aero bubble and pebbles that mummy added on the sides.
It was really fun decorating the house. 

mash and banger

We made mash potato with garlic sauce.
We got to mash it then mix it with butter and cream but we had to take it in turns.
It was hard mashing the potato.
Grant got one more turn than us when we were mashing, and Zoe had to help Grant mash the potato.
When we finished we ate it and we had it all over our mouths like a beard and a moustache.
We ate it for dinner and it was delicious.
You could taste the garlic sauce inside the potato.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

halloween cake decoration

I decorated a cake with frosting that had red and blue food coloring.
I tried to make a picture of a face but Zoe said it looks like a basket full of sweets.
It had a orange aero for the nose, a blackcurrant gummy for the mouth, two mini eggs for eyes and jelly beans for the color.
It also had smarties on the outsides and four jelly beans (one on each corner) and one mini egg underneath them.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

halloween sweets

Mummy and Zoe went shopping and bought 6 SHOCK & ORANGE SLICES and SCREAMIN' SOURS.
I like the 6 SHOCK & ORANGE SLICES because, it had strawberry jam inside the middle and the small crunchy chocolate pieces.

smore'd bread

 I ate bread with burnt marshmallows , nutella and raisons.
The marshmallows were pink and white.
I got half a piece of bread.
The nutella was at the very bottom underneath the marshmallows, raisons and the banana. 
It also had some of the banana from the cereal that I eat.
The white marshmallows were more burnt than the pink ones.
In the inside of the marshmallows was all sticky and soft.
It was delicious.