Monday, December 30, 2013

rugby match

We went to the rugby match and it  was Leinster vs Ulster.
I brought apple hi-chew and strawberry/blackcurrent flavoured winder and they even came with a mini cartoon.
It was really cold so I left half way through the match with my brother and my mum.
When we got to the hotel we started to watch a dvd that was inside our room.
We watched rise of the gardiansbut we did not get to finish it. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013


When everyone woke up we started opening our presents.
My brother started opening his presents first because he is the youngest.
He was so happy when tore the wrapping of  and it was LEGO HHROICA.
Next I started to open my presents and I got a electricity set + a book about electricity.
I loved it, my sister also gave me IOU cards.
Then it was my sister's turn she got a bling magis machine and  she alo got the cards that you put inside the machine.
there was still one big present left and it said for everyone, we let my brother open it and inside was a WII U.
After all of that I gave mummy a hand made braclet put inside envolope made from moi (french for me).
We pulled sik medium sized crackers two mini ones and one huge one made by me.
It was so fun.
I even got to open the gift I got from imaginocity.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

cinnamon rolls

Mummy made cinnamon rolls and they were so good.
 She also put some kind of liquid on and it was delicous.
When daddy tried them he said that they were not cooked but I thought they were fine.

xmas party

We went to a Christmas party at imaginosty and I madea tangerine with clovespoked at it to make my inicals.
We also got to go and see Santa.
I got a bracelet kit.
It was really fun at imaginosty.

xmas tree

We helped decorate the christmas tree.
Daddy told us to put the big ones on the bottom and the small ones at the top.
Once we finished we put on the christmas decorations that we made.
I also got a ginourmas wispa bar and I had to put on the side of the christmas tree because it was so big.
It was so fun.

advent calendar

Mummy  bought me a moshi monster advent calender.
It has a picture of a big Christmas tree and in the top right corner there is a picture of diavalo the flying volcano, beside him is a zombie, underneath him there is a katsuma a monster that looks like a rabbit.
Underneath him is a poppet a pink monster ,under neath her there is a luvli a flying cherry monster and underneath her is furi a big hairy monster.
On the big Christmas tree there is loads of different moshlings.