Monday, June 30, 2014

june 30th

For the summer holidays we had to make a list of things that we have to do everyday and mine was math, reading a book, reading about U.S. history, music, exercise and blog.
Today I did my math first then music after that my reading and then we went to......

We went on the trampolines and played dodge ball on the trampolines as well.

After we came home we went into our tent that our dad set up and it really cool and it is green with a bit of black.
We played on the i-pads inside and ate ice-cream inside as well (the flavor was Eton Mess with tiny meringue bits inside.)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

june 29th

We got this new game called "CATAN JUNIOR".
I played it with my little brother and my dad.
We played for about thirty minutes until it was obvious my dad won except my brother started complaining he didn't win and that he was going to win but he came last.

We had to read about U.S. history because over the holiday we were going to learn about U.S history and since I couldn't read the book because my dad said it would be a tiny bit hard for me.
We had to take it in turns to read the introduction which was quite hard and a chapter and a half.
It was a bit boring and we had to do it for at least a hour.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

june 28th

We made these rackets for hitting balloons I drew a picture of a penguin on the front and the back I put loads of stamps.
My handle collour was yellow.
I really enjoyed making the rackets.

My crystals have grown so big now and they look a bit like coral you might fin in the sea or ocean.
My crystals are so big compared from the day that I put them in the water.
I always thought the rocks were going to turn into the crystals.
There huge!!!!

We went to Bray to go to my brothers karate ceromony to get his yellow belt.
It started at 9:00 and ended at 10:00 and it took for ever!

Friday, June 27, 2014

june 27th

Today we went to Dun Drum to watch How To Train Your Dragon 2 (in 3D.)
I really enjoyed the movie.
My favourite part was when Toothless defeated the Alfire which is a gigantic dragon the controls all the other dragons.
Hicc-up's dad Stork died when Toothless was being controled by the Alfire and Toothless shot a elecctric blue ball at Hicc-up and his dad tried to save him but he died.
Hicc-up also finds is mum which he never met before.
His mother was protecting dragons for twnty years (20.)
Every viking had there own dragon and they changed from how they used to be 20 years ago when Hicc-up was a baby.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26th

I made my own sandwich for lunch and inside it was mayonaise, ham, cheese and lettuce.
Cutting the sandwich was the hardest part for me.
It was really fun!!!

We went to DUN LAORAIRE to get some of our school work laminated so they can't get ripped.
We went to a haircut place to get my brothers haircut.
After that I bought my brother a birthday gift which was a mini golf set.

I bought some bands to make a bracelet.

We went inside the tent that our dad put up.
I brouhgt the rainbow loom loom and a box of bands so I could use them inside the tent.
I had to go to piano lessons after my brother's karate lesson.
I got to pick out a few songs I want to play and they were HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE and EDLWEISS.
I really enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

concert & summer plan

I am in the school orchestra so I had to play two songs on the recorder for the senior concert.
Two other girls in my class had to play the recorder for the concert, two girls were playing the violin from my class, one boy from my class was also playing the violin and one boy fromm my class was playing the drums.

We  made a SUMMUR PLAN list of things that we have to do daily over the summer holidays and a wish list which is what we want to do.
I don't have a very long wish list so I have to add more things on when I think of one but so far the only one I have is make a movie.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

making crystals


I made the crystals  and it was really fun.

I can't wait 'till the crystals start appearing.
I have to wait for a few more days 'till I can start taking the crystals out.
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

bday gifts

We went to dun drum to go to a friends party but I did not go.
We went to Eason's on the way to drop of my sister.
At Eason's I got a quiz book and a crystal making set for my birthday which is on the day of my school trip.
I really enjoyed making the first crystals and quizzing my family.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Since it was a really nice day we went outside to use the bubbles.
I had to use a green straw.
we also did races and forward rolls and things like that
I got a bit board of that so I started playing with bubbles again.
After that we played baseball and catch and the day after that my arm really hurted so I could not pick anything up.
It hurt the day after that as well and it still hurts.
I had a lot of fun.