Monday, December 30, 2013

rugby match

We went to the rugby match and it  was Leinster vs Ulster.
I brought apple hi-chew and strawberry/blackcurrent flavoured winder and they even came with a mini cartoon.
It was really cold so I left half way through the match with my brother and my mum.
When we got to the hotel we started to watch a dvd that was inside our room.
We watched rise of the gardiansbut we did not get to finish it. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013


When everyone woke up we started opening our presents.
My brother started opening his presents first because he is the youngest.
He was so happy when tore the wrapping of  and it was LEGO HHROICA.
Next I started to open my presents and I got a electricity set + a book about electricity.
I loved it, my sister also gave me IOU cards.
Then it was my sister's turn she got a bling magis machine and  she alo got the cards that you put inside the machine.
there was still one big present left and it said for everyone, we let my brother open it and inside was a WII U.
After all of that I gave mummy a hand made braclet put inside envolope made from moi (french for me).
We pulled sik medium sized crackers two mini ones and one huge one made by me.
It was so fun.
I even got to open the gift I got from imaginocity.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

cinnamon rolls

Mummy made cinnamon rolls and they were so good.
 She also put some kind of liquid on and it was delicous.
When daddy tried them he said that they were not cooked but I thought they were fine.

xmas party

We went to a Christmas party at imaginosty and I madea tangerine with clovespoked at it to make my inicals.
We also got to go and see Santa.
I got a bracelet kit.
It was really fun at imaginosty.

xmas tree

We helped decorate the christmas tree.
Daddy told us to put the big ones on the bottom and the small ones at the top.
Once we finished we put on the christmas decorations that we made.
I also got a ginourmas wispa bar and I had to put on the side of the christmas tree because it was so big.
It was so fun.

advent calendar

Mummy  bought me a moshi monster advent calender.
It has a picture of a big Christmas tree and in the top right corner there is a picture of diavalo the flying volcano, beside him is a zombie, underneath him there is a katsuma a monster that looks like a rabbit.
Underneath him is a poppet a pink monster ,under neath her there is a luvli a flying cherry monster and underneath her is furi a big hairy monster.
On the big Christmas tree there is loads of different moshlings.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

haribo ice cream

We ate haribo ice-cream and it was delicous.
At first it was hard to get the ice-cream out butg eventually I got it out.
It was strawbery sauce and vinilla  ice-cream, and some parts of it had a texture like a marshmallow.
Once we finshed eating the ice -cream it had gummys stuck in a small tube at the  bottom.
I did not know how to get the gummys out so I just put the tube upside down and some of them fell out, I had one red gummy and three white gummys.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

xmas cards

In art class we made a Christmas card.
First we got a piece of paper and we had to put the snow on it next we got a smaller piece of paper and we stuck on different patterns.
Next we got triangle templates and then we cut the three triangles out when everyone finished we put on the stars. 

blue bird

I made a blue bird when I was sewing.
I forgot how to sew so it was quite hard to sew. 
I got it from a party bag and I made a couple of mistakes.
I sewed one half of the outside part of the blue bird and the eye.
It was very fun now that I remember how to sew.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

riding lessons

Every Saturday we go to horse riding lessons at the paddocks.
I was on a horse named Conen.
He was very lazy and he did not do the trot (not a walk but faster.)
Conen is a white pony and that meens his real color under his fur is grey.
I had so much fun.
I love horse riding.

pizza and salad

We helped make lunch.
On the pizza was cheese, ham,sundried tomato pesto, black olives and pinapples
We used a specail kids knife from Japan to cut the blasck olives.
In the salad was corn, lettuce, egg, tomato and callenini
Then we tore the icberg lettuce into a bowl.
After that we made the dressing.
Inside the dressing we put in caramalised red onion, oil, sesame seeds, black pepper and vinegar.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Mummy bought hot water bottle's with a fluffly lair around it.
We slept with it and I put it on my feet, to keep them warm
It was really fluffy and warm.
In the morning they were either cold or warm.

Friday, November 15, 2013


We made palmiers for lunch.
Inside the pastry we put olive sauce andc spread on the pastry eaqaly.
Then we put them in the oven.
We also made ones with with nuttela.
They were so delicous.

Friday, November 8, 2013


I had a playdate with my friend Robyn and Grant's friend Ryan came aswell.
We played ching ching (a really fun chasing game) and a game were you write notes and have to hide from each other.
For lunch we ate rice with toatoes and sausages.
It was really fun and I want another playdate with Robyn.

zoe's piano exam

We took a dart to Pears station and went to Royal Irish Music Academy.
We were eaarly so I took my Harry Potter and the prisner of Azkaban book.
When it was one Zoe went down stairs to room thirty.
I kept going up and down to check on Zoe and she was thirty minutes late and I got really bored.
Now Zoe is grade four (4.)

tord in a hole

We watched make toad in the hole.
First we mixed some kind of herb with egg, flower, mustard, salt and pepper.
Then we put the sausages on and on top of the sausages we put sweet onion.
After that we put it in the oven, the outside parts of the taod in the hole started to rise alot.
It was really good. 

ice cream


We made ice-cream.
We mixed marshmallows, milk, heart shaped ginger bread cookies and the powder that was in a packet.
After that we whisked them together then put it in a pan and added berry jam.
Then we put it in the refridgerater for four hours (4 hours.)
Then when it was done we had some.
 It was delicous.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

new earrings

When I was at a sleep over Zoe and mummy bought earings from Claire's.
They bought silver hearts, red apples,b lue hearts, pink hearts, pink cherries, purple grapes, red flwers, yellow flowers and silver flowers.
I am going to wear the yellow flowers.