Friday, February 21, 2014

cookery camp day 5


Today I made pizza and dough balls for lunch and for dessert I made red velvet cup cake.
To make the pizza you have to get a big bowl and add one small packet of fast action yeast don't mix yet.
Next add some sugar, salt and one cup of water with warm water and oil then mix together with a wooden spoon.
Next get some flour on your hands and the place where you are going to put your pizza dough and
put all the dough on the flour.
after that get rid of all the air by kneeding it together.
To make the sauce mix tomato puree, olive oil, italian seasoning cruched garlic clove, salt and pepper and also some mixed herbs.
Put on sauce grated cheese and your done.
To make dough balls just get some extra dough and roll into a ball.
To make the cup cake mix sugar and butter together.
Add a beaten egg into the mixture and keep mixing.
Flour, red food colouring and cocoa powder and mix really well.
Pour in cup cake cases and make icing or cream cheese and enjoy.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

cookery camp day 4



Today we made shortbread for dessert and for lunch we made chicken with lots and lots of vegetables and we ate it with scons and white creamy sauce.
First to make the lunch we had to chop as many different kinds of vegetables that we like and we want try.
Next we had to get a pan and melt butter inside the pan.
If everyone finished doing that we started to add the vegetables.
The vegetables were suposed to soften but no-ones potatoes softened so the teacher said to add flour anyway and a bit of milk.
We also had to add a splash of chicken stock and we also had to add more if the sauce was burning.
To make the dessert we had to mix flour with rice flour and and then we mix it together only using the tips of our fingers because the palm of our hand is to warm and it will melt the butter.
Then we had to pat it out in the tin and we had to poke small holes in it and cut it.
It was super fun.
I can't wait till tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

cookery camp day 3


I made chicken stir fry and for dessert I made Picasso rolls.
To make the stir fry I had to cut lots and lots of different vegetables that I like.
When everyone was ready we had to get a wok and put a bit of oil inside and then we had to do a sizzle test.
If the oil was hot enough we had to add the carrots first because they take the longest and then all the other vegetables.
When they softened we added the chicken, honey and soy sauce.
Since I was under ten and everyone else in my group was younger than me we had to have some help and since I was the oldest in my group I got to stir and mix everything together.
For the dessert it had to be done super fast or else it would not work.
It was so fun.
The reason why I am not going to explain haw to make the Picasso rolls is because it is difficult to explain.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

cookery camp day 2


Today I made banana cake with toffee sauce.
For  lunch I also made Thai green curry.
To make the banana bread I had to grease a tin and put special baking paper on the tin to cover the tin.
Next I added of sugar and of butter.
We had to brake the butter into bits and mix until it is creamy.
We also had to add flour and we had to use a siv.
After that we had to fold all of it together so we don't loose any air.
Next I got to crack a egg and mix it and when I finished mixing that I poured all of it in and I mixed again.
Next in the same cup I mashed one and a half (1 & 1/2) pieces of banana and poured it all in but before we mixed it I was allowed to add blueberries so I did.
Then we mixed it.
I had to get a spachula and pour aall of the mixture into the tin and put in the oven fo 45mins.
It was so fun.
When I made Thai green curry I chopped onions, green peppers, sugar snaps, brown sugar, coriander, fish oil, paste and of course chicken.
When we put the chicken in the pan we poured the coconut milk on top of the chicken and instead of stiring the chicken we poached the chicken.
For the rice we were not aloud to boil it so a assistant had to help.
When we were putting all the food on for the rice we put it in a small cup and we put the plate on top of the cup and it was so cool.
It was amazing.

Monday, February 17, 2014

cookery camp day1

At cooking camp I made three different kinds of apple tarts.
One of them had apple with cinnamon and pastry on top.
The second one is the same but instead of pastry on top I added sweetened apples and the last one I put apples and sweetened apple.
13 people came.
First we had to mix butter with flour and sugar.
Then make a small in the middle.
Add one quater of a orange's juice NO PITS!!!!!!!!!!
Add a raw egg both parts.
After that add three table spoons of water into the mixture.
If your mixture is too dry add a little bit more water but if your mixture is too wet add a little bit more flour.
Next carefully roll the mixture out evenly and place on tart tin but before you do that you must grease the tin.
If you want you could add small pieces of apple with cinnamon like I did or you could add just small pieces of apple.
You can also add sweetened apples or you can also add strips of pastry If you like you can put a top aswell.
Now only if you put pastry on top of your tart you can add brushes  of egg yolk on them.
  • 50g of butter.
  • 100g flour
  • 1 raw egg
  • 25g sugar
  • cup of water
  • 1 quarter orange
  • lots of apples
  • Tart tin
  • oven
I also learnt the difference between sweet and savoury.
It is sugar.
I f you want to make a sweet pastry you would add sugar but if you want to make it savoury you would add herbs and spices.
Can you guess what kind of  pastry this one is?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

swim gala

I went to a galla at the national aquatic centre.
We had to wake up at 5:45 and I was really tired.
Everyone had to come.
My friend who used to be in the same school as me was there aswell.
I had to wear a BARRACUDA hat and so did my friend.
I was doing 50m freestyle and I came 3rd place..
It was really fun.
I am definitly going to the next galla.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

making pizza

When I went to Tesco with mummy we bought the 'make your own pizza kit.'
I made a diamond shaped pizza and then mummy spread the sauce on the pizza with a spoon and i put the cheese and olives on.
The sauce was sweet and the cheese was ssssssssoooooooo chewy!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the best pizza ever.

funny face

My brother got a funny face mask from a party bag, and he let me try it on.
My mum took pictures of us wearing it.
When I looked in the mirror I looked so funny.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Mummy bought a Easter chocolate shapes.
We watched mummy melt the chocolate and put it into the plastic box.
She had to be very careful not to spill any of the chocolate.
The chocolate was fake chacolate.
It was fun learning  how to do it.
I ate the lamb.
It was good.

Saturday, February 8, 2014



Jiji and Baba sent us udon!
They got it from a special store.
We got to use chopsticks to eat the udon.
It came with mushrooms and seaweed.
It was really good.
I enjoyed eating it.