Thursday, February 20, 2014

cookery camp day 4



Today we made shortbread for dessert and for lunch we made chicken with lots and lots of vegetables and we ate it with scons and white creamy sauce.
First to make the lunch we had to chop as many different kinds of vegetables that we like and we want try.
Next we had to get a pan and melt butter inside the pan.
If everyone finished doing that we started to add the vegetables.
The vegetables were suposed to soften but no-ones potatoes softened so the teacher said to add flour anyway and a bit of milk.
We also had to add a splash of chicken stock and we also had to add more if the sauce was burning.
To make the dessert we had to mix flour with rice flour and and then we mix it together only using the tips of our fingers because the palm of our hand is to warm and it will melt the butter.
Then we had to pat it out in the tin and we had to poke small holes in it and cut it.
It was super fun.
I can't wait till tomorrow.

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