Wednesday, February 19, 2014

cookery camp day 3


I made chicken stir fry and for dessert I made Picasso rolls.
To make the stir fry I had to cut lots and lots of different vegetables that I like.
When everyone was ready we had to get a wok and put a bit of oil inside and then we had to do a sizzle test.
If the oil was hot enough we had to add the carrots first because they take the longest and then all the other vegetables.
When they softened we added the chicken, honey and soy sauce.
Since I was under ten and everyone else in my group was younger than me we had to have some help and since I was the oldest in my group I got to stir and mix everything together.
For the dessert it had to be done super fast or else it would not work.
It was so fun.
The reason why I am not going to explain haw to make the Picasso rolls is because it is difficult to explain.

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