Sunday, June 30, 2013

jiji's painting

We went to for a drive and Jiji did some paintings I stayed in the car for most of it  because I was playing the ipad and Zoe asked me if I tooched the water and I said no so Zoe said I had to stand on a small brick and place my hand in it.
I went back into the car and we went for another drive and on this one Zoe, mummy and Grant all went toilet.
While they were still gone I asked Jiji if he could paint a picture of me but he said it was to hard.

lunch @ koya-san

We all went to lunch and I had udon but I had to share with Zoe.
The udon also had fishcake and tofu in it.
Baba had some kind of noodle with seaweed on top and Grant did not eat anything.
Jiji had some grey stuff, I think tofu and something in a bowl.
For drink Zoe got tea and water I got water Baba, mummy and Jiji had some tea.

getting water

We stopped at some place and got some water I got to help but Zoe and Grant stayed in the car and played invade Oz.
We brought bottles with us so we filled it in there, we also filled two big bucket sort of things.
Before we filled the bottlle whith water we had to clean them, first we put some water in the bottles then we shaked them, and then we emptied out the water.
Grant was still in the car with Zoe trying to fgure out what emeralds looked like in a game on the green ipad mini called invade Oz.


We went for a walk and had lunch, for lunch I had udon and I had to share with Zoe.
Then Jiji, Zoe, mummy and I went for a walk while Grant and Baba were still in the car because Grant was asleep.
Zoe and I sat on hands made of rock whith some writing on it.
On the way back to the car Zoe saw a ladybird on the place were you hhave pay money to talk to the phone.
It was a ladybird that was red and had lots of black dots.
I took a few pictures of the ladybird and some other stuff and then we went back into the car.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


We went to a park and it had to realy fun slides one of  them was a roller slide and the other was a swurly slide there was also a thing where you jump on a red seat and you push yourself of the board then you go zooming across to the other side.
My brother Grant liked the red swurly slide better.
I liked the thing where you have to sit down and you go zooming across to the other slide.
The park was realy hot that mummy had to buy a water bottle.

picnic lunch @ river

Zoe, Grant and mummy went to /EON and got donuts and chiken nuggets.
I stayed at home and cleaned the house.
Jiji and Baba told them that we were going to the river but Zoe, mummy, Jiji and Baba all did not have there lunch (basicaly Grant and I were the only ones who had lunch.)
So this time everyone went to /EON to get there lunch.
After that we went to the river and we had a picinic and Zoe, Grant and I started playing hide and seak and Grant kept going in the car.
Grant then had to go toilet so mummy said for him to do it in the grass but he kept on saying we had to go home.
Then we went in the car and looked for a toilet.

apple tea

After we came back from Kurashiki I started drinking apple tea every morning.
At the start when you drink it you can taste the apple then after you can taste the tea.
Sometimes it is very hot sometimes it is quite cold.
I drink it until I finish it.

Friday, June 28, 2013


We went to a flower garden and there were lavenders, white roses, red roses and small pink flowers but there was mainly lavenders.
Zoe had to carry Grant because there was sand and rocks, he does not like to go in sand or rocks because he says they go in his shoe.
We also saw blueberries and tomatoes.


We ate lunch.
I had fried shrimp, rice, meat, cabbage and orange jelly.
For drink I had some sort of brown cold drink and I gave my orange juice to Grant because I don't like orange juice.
I did not finish my food because I ate half my pudding and bits of my rice.
It was hard to pick up the bits of rice because there was sauce on it.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This morning I wrote a blog about the three day trip that we went to on Monday-Wednasday.
I had to do four blogs to do one was about the first lunch the second one was about the trains the third one was about the shaved ice and the last one was about the bracelets (the bracelets that we made.)
We do blog every morning and we do it to help us remeber the things that we did in the past and to help me to explain things a bit better.
We also do it at home in Irelnd on our computer and one of the longest blogs I wrote was about Epic.
I only wrote a few in Ireland and we wrote more in Japan in than Ireland.

kurashiki 4

Mummy and I went to a resturant and we got a small salad and we got soup that tasted like pea soup with foamy milk.
Then I got lemon ice tea and pasta carbonara.
Then we went to get stamps for the post cards I wrote, I wrot one two Jiji, Baba, daddy and Zoe.
Then I took pictures of a astronoght with a sun.
We went back to the hotel and we did the same thing as yesturday except I tried to go bed earlyer.

kurashiki 3

We went to the acssseserry shop and I made a bracelet that has five different colours and twenty-three bead altogether.
Five green, three white, six blue and six pink.
We were also supossed to go on the boat except all the tickets were sold so we asked if we could get tickets for tomorrow at 9:30 but we had to come back at 9:00.
We also went a convinence store and I got vanilla happytan and I payed for some of the things.
I also got all the change if it was coins.