Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 14th

Zoe (my older sister) and I ate cream puffs and my face got all messy so I had to wash my mouth till there was nothing on my mouth.
When I finished we all went to go to this place were you pray to the people in your family and were they were burried.
Grant (my younger brother) and Jiji stayed in the car.
Zoe and I both wanted to pour the water into the cups were the flowers go so Zoe got to do two and I got to do two aswell.
After we finished we went back home and wachted tv.
first we watched Disney XD, then Disney Channel and then we watched a bit more Disney XD.
Then we went shopping and bought purses and I got a brown dog and Zoe got a panda purse.
We got some food and then we went home.
Baba made a meat sort of wrap with a lettece leaf to wrap, when I finished eating one WE went to KFC and got some chicken and started eating.
Then we went home and watched more tv and then Maki (our cousin) came.

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