Saturday, June 1, 2013


Epic is about a girl who lives with her father, her father is searching for small people.
The girl's name is called Mary Katherine (M.K. for short) and she has a dog named Ozzie.
M.K.'s father puts camera's all over the tree's so he can see the tiny people and so he can track them down.
The small people fight against evil to help a forest queen survive.
The forest queen heels all dead plants and helps them to rise again and turn them green.
While a strong and powerful evil ruler tries to kill the forest queen so the forest queen won't be able to heel the plants and the forest will turn black.
The same day that the evil ruler tries to kill the forest queen there was a special celebration, where  the queen has to pick a pod and that pod will choose a girl to carry on her work.
When the parade began the ruler sent all his armies to attack, the forest queen ran as fast as she could with a army of leaf men attacking the evil army but the forest queen was too late and a arrow shot her on the hip.
Before she died she blew on the pod that she had chosen and M.K. had caught the pod.
M.K. turned small and she needs her father to help her turn back to her normal size.
While she is still small she meets the tiny people and she discovers that there are not only an army of tiny people but discovers that there are loads of other small families.
M.K. goes with the tiny people to a wise caterpillar (which the tiny people call him crazy) and the caterpillar records every second that is happening and along the way they meet a slug and a snail.
The caterpillar showed them where he kept all the scrolls and he showed M.K. the scroll that told you what to do with the pod.
The scroll told her that she should bring the pod to the highest peak and let the pod bloom in the full moon.
After M.K. followed the caterpillar to the highest peak she set off to help the leaf army.
M.K. told Ronan the general of the army where he could find a disguise so he could go to the evil hide outs.When the ruler of evil figured out  that they were there he called all his army to attack and the slug, snail, M.K., and a guy (who quit being part of the army and then got hired again)  tried to escape.
They escaped by the two small people (M.K. and the army guy) and they got onto the slug and snail, then they slowly slithered away and leaving slime behind them.
Ronan was distracting the ruler of the bad guys but two men saw them and started to fight against the army guy.
When M.K. got back she saw the pod and it was blooming.
Just about when the pod was about to open up it's pedals loads of bats came and blocked up the moon.
M.K. went to her father to ask if he could help by putting the bat noises that he has on his ipod and M.K. said "Run."
Then when M.K.'s dad runs all the way back to his house he sees M.K. right in front of him and he looked at her as if he was saying such a relief.

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