Wednesday, June 26, 2013

kurashiki 2

             We ate lunch and I had three slices of pizza, macaroni cheese, chicken nuggets,
sausage, tomato, corn, two bites of carrots and half a pudding and the resturant people gave me a sticky ball that can stick onto things.
Then after I finished lunch I had a huge cup of strawberry shaved ice.
We could not go to the acssesery store because you were not aloud any food or drinks in the store.
It took me along time to finish the shaved ice and when I finished I could not find a rubbish bin so we had to walk around to find one.
Then we went back to the hotel and we washed hand then we went bath but since they did not have a sponge so we used a towel instead and it felt so good if you straighten it on your legs and arms.

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