Saturday, June 15, 2013


For lunch we ate at a resturant and I had cucumber, chips, rice, beef, chicken, tomato and pudding.
Zoe gave me two cucumbers and a tomato, Grant took one of my chips and mummy took some of my rice.
I finished all my food (that was still on the plate.)
Grant had to go to the toilet three times the first he had to go Baba took him the second time Baba took him and the last time mummy took him.
Zoe had one of mummy's redbeans and she said they taste different to Irelands red beans beacause Irish makes it sweeter than Japan.
At first Grant didn't want to eat any thing then when mummy said he couldn't go to toy store so then he started to eat.
If Grant didn't behave for the rest of the day then he wouldn't go to toy store first thing in the morning. 

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