Friday, June 7, 2013

birthday cupcakes

This morning, I went to school earlier so that I could drop of some pink strawberry flavored icing with hard different color circle shaped sprinkle cupcakes into my classroom.
Then when the bell rang (which means it is time to line up) everyone in my class went into the classroom, when my teacher came into the classroom and said "wow!" because she was surprised when she saw the cupcakes.
Before break my teacher got a candle and stuck it in a cupcake and everyone started to sing happy birthday.
My teacher started to sing happy birthday in Irish and a few people joined in.
 A friend of mine sang happy birthday in Polish and a boy in my class sang happy birthday in Dutch.
Then I handed the cupcakes out to the class, the cupcakes tasted delicious.
After every child got a cupcake I gave one to my teacher.
After school I gave a cupcake to a teacher who teaches pre-prep called Dawn (I used to be in her class and my birthday is on the same day as hers.)

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