Tuesday, June 11, 2013

we are in Japan

We went on a airplane from Dublin to Frankfurt.
Then we went on a long airplane from frankfurt to Japan, on the airplane we saw movies and I wathced Escape from planet Earth, Oz the great and powerful and Disney channel.
When we saw Jiji and Baba we got into there white car and we drove back to the house and I got to park the car.
When we got into the house Zoe (my older sister) and I had to help our mum bring the bags upstairs, we also had to help bring down presents.
We also went outside to play onthe bikes and I needed some help.
When I tried going on it by myself  I fell over and got a brouse on my left leg.
Then we went to the shops and got some food, we went home and we started to eat.
Then a package came and it was a ipad mini and it came with a green cover.
On the back it said Fabian's ipad mini.
Zoe Grant (my younger brother) and I started to play with bubble wrap.
After that maki (our cousin) came over and we started to play with her.
When she left I played on the old ipad and Grant played on the new ipad.
Then we went to sleep but Grant kept moving around I couldn't sleep.

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